Saturday, January 26, 2008

Illustration Friday: Tales and Legends

I guess this is more "Tails and Legends"...ha! Sorry. Dog pirates! Done on real paper...with real paint.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I was finally able to attend a Sketchcrawl out here in San Francisco. I had a blast. Not only did I get to draw all day, I got to meet a ton of cool new people. And then there were a whole bunch of "Oh wait...I read your blog!" moments. Enjoy these pics from the Chinatown:

Brittney and Dave sketching...photoshop color.

There was a lot of gambling going on!

That is Daniela Strijleva up there.

Those ladies noticed I was drawing them and then they got shifty.

That's the most drawings I've done in a long time. There's still a slew of paintings from Christmas that I've been meaning to post.

Just found this on the forums...thanks for posting this!! (From left to right: Me, Dave, Brittney, Enrico Casarosa!)

Monday, January 14, 2008

FIgure Drawing

Trying to get back into the figure drawing groove. I've been reading Mike Mattesi's "Force" book on figure drawing for animators. So far it's pretty awesome. These drawings were done at the Saturday morning life drawing group at UC Berkeley. It's a great group of very talented people all working in a variety of styles and mediums. If you are in the area you should check it out.

Thursday, January 03, 2008

My favorite Wiimote Hacks

Johnny Chung Lee, of Carnegie Mellon University, is doing some amazing things with the wii remote! Here is one where he figured out how to use it for head tracking for desktop VR displays:

And here is another where he uses the wii remote to create a low-cost multi-touch display/whiteboard!

If you go to his website he's got another video where he tracks finger movement with the wii remote...just like in Minority Report. This guy is a genius.