This is a Christmas gift I made for my girlfriend, but it fit the topic of "Leap" too well not to post. She's a dancer and loves leaping...and also likes pandas. The Chinese characters you see actually say "bear" + "cat"...which is panda. Did you know Pandas weren't discovered until the 1860s?
Love those pandas! Very fun :o)
ack! she's not TOO lucky, now is she? great illio and GIFT, scott! love the gestures in the pandas - awesome moves! :)))
i really like the way you've combined these two. excellent illo.
very great work!
Wonderful, energetic poses.
Super fun!!!
Wait wait wait... so humans went for THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of years w/out all that tasty Panda meat??
ugh, what a waste
also, my word verification is "tarxt" it seems like it should mean something
I'm going to go dance with those pandas.
gorgeous and I love your other one too, the leaping dog, it's great.
Wonderfully lively Pandas - great energy in the whole work.
those are some groovy pandas :)
I eat pandas for breakfast.
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